Writing updates, Christ or Caesar, public services in crisis.

I have 2 chapters left to type in my second book. Then, I will need to edit the book many times before it is ready for the reading public. I will put Galway on hold for now, but I want to have a book launch of my first book, Christianity and social democracy in Galway in the future.  For now, you can support my writing by buying my first book, Christianity and social democracy. You can buy a copy in O Mahoneys Limerick, Dicks Supervalu Charleville, Foleys Ballydaheen Mallow and online through Thebookshop.ie. Copies of my book are selling, so get a copy before they are all gone.

Christian leaders can rule like Caesar in the name of Christ. This type of leadership does great harm in preaching the Gospel. Caesar is the type of ruler that seeks to have power over us. We may feel terror at displeasing the secular ruler, or we may believe that only the ruler can help us when we need help. But following Christ rejects this type of leadership.  Christ came to serve and not be served by people. Christ was poor and powerless, who died a rebel, and he died helpless on the cross. The power of Christ is the power of love that liberates us humans. A servant helps people they don’t overpower them. Christian leadership should model itself on Christ. It should be a service to others. The fact that we have examples where this type of service leadership isn’t always practised shouldn’t be an excuse to abandon this ideal.

Our public services in Ireland are under-resourced. From the breakdown of public order to health care being in crisis to a housing crisis, our experience of public services in Ireland is poor. It is assumed that we are a rich country. If we are a rich country, then why do we have these problems? If that statement is true, then the government doesn’t care for its citizens. If the country isn’t as rich as the experts say that it is, then that would mean that the money isn’t there to fund our public services. But the public services are in a bad shape. The government is doing a bad job of running the country, it doesn’t have the money or it cares more for the rich and it does for ordinary people. Maybe instead of arguing about minor issues, we should focus on the issue of public services.

Author: irishfabian+

I am a writer. My first book Christianity and social democracy is out now Twitter @irishfabian

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